
Superstars Quorn


Club closing 10th July 2024


Dear Parents, It is with deep sadness that we are having to close our club at the St Bartholomew's Primary School in Quorn from the end of this academic year (2023/24). Because of this any enquiries for the new academic year onwards should be redirected to the school. 


We would like to thank you all for your support over the last 11 years and we wish you all the very best for the future, for parents who are regsitered with us our holiday clubs remain available if you would like to still use us. 


Thank you!


Jon,  Kristy and the Superstars team.


Superstars Quorn
Welcome Pack & Registration Forms
Q Welcome Pack 2023_4 sml.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [489.2 KB]

Contact us

You can reach us on:

0116 442 2582 or

07896 796363


You can also use our contact form. Thank You

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Produced by Superstars Activity Club Ltd.